Mahfud Mahfud, I Kadek Yudiana, Ahmad Firdaus


Tradition is a habit that is carried out by a group of people so as to produce customs and culture that are increasingly developing and influential in society. “Tradition is the inheritance of a series of habits and values that are passed down from one generation to the next. The existence of the Resik Lawon tradition in the village of Cungking is an interesting thing to study, especially the problem of the development of the Resik Lawon ritual. Traditional values can be integrated into local history subjects at high school in Banyuwangi. The objectives of this study are first, to find out the history of the Resik Lawon tradition; Second, to find out the implementation of the Lawon Resik Tradition; and third, to find out the efforts of the surrounding community to maintain and preserve the existence of the Resik Lawon Tradition, and fourth: The Utilization of the Resik Lawon Tradition of the Using Tribe as a Source for Learning Local History at High Schools in Banyuwangi. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection methods used by observation, interviews and documentation. The stages of data analysis are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. In its history, the tradition of Resik Lawon is a tradition that has existed for a long time and is carried out by the people of the Cungking village which is associated with the existence of a famous figure of Wongso Karyo. In practice they have rules that must be obeyed by the community. The most important elements in preserving a tradition are: Maintaining the tradition by involving the whole community in the ritual process, Promoting the tradition with the aim of introducing tourism objects, and Collaborating with outside parties as funding. Aspects of the procession of the Resik Lawon that are used as a source of cultural history learning are historical aspects related to the historical process of the existence of the Resik Lawon tradition that must be known by students, educational aspects related to learning materials in accordance with the 2013 curriculum and social aspects regarding the characteristics of life. social community that can be learned by students.


Lawon Rehearsal, Using Tribe, Learning Resources, Local History

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