Masni Veronika Situmorang, Ria Retno Dewi Sartika Manik


Estuary waters are a transitional habitat between marine ecosystems, land and freshwater ecosystems, causing mixing. The input load of organic waste carried by the river to the estuary will undergo various decomposition processes which will ultimately provide a supply of inorganic materials or nutrients to the waters. Through the analysis of quantitative estimation of the load of organic waste originating from anthropogenic activities and determining trophic status as well as the relationship between nutrient availability and the dynamics of phytoplankton in the estuary of the Siam Nenas River, it is hoped that it can support efforts to utilize the potential of natural resources and prevent the decline in water quality at the Siam Nenas River estuary. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of anthropogenic activities, determine the trophic status of the estuary of the Nenas Siam River in Batu Bara Regency based on nutrient content and chlorophyll-a phytoplankton content and analyze the relationship of factors that influence the dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the waters of the Nenas Siam River estuary, Batu Regency. embers. The results of the temperature study were 28.8-29.4 C, pH 7.2 – 7.6, Salinity 1-5, Dissolved oxygen 6.2-9 mg/L and NSF WQI, the index value ranged from 58 – 59. It can be concluded that anthropogenic activities around the estuary of the Nenassiam River are still in a reasonable condition and have not endangered the water quality.


Phytoplankton, Nutrient, Nenas Siam river, Trophic status

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v16i4.1352


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