Mohammad Zeylo Auriza, Citra Antasari, Tovan Tovan, Armawati Armawati, Ivan Ilham


Increasingly fierce competition, the number of universities involved in meeting the needs and desires of students causes each university to place an orientation on student satisfaction as the main goal so that more and more parties pay attention to student satisfaction and dissatisfaction in higher education. Service is a hot topic in business and academia. This study aims to determine the effect of lecturer performance on service quality and the effect of lecturer performance on student satisfaction at PSDKU Tadulako Morowali University, using 132 students as respondents, then data were analyzed using Amos 20.0 software. The results of this study indicate that the Lecturer Performance variable has a significant effect on service quality with a probability value smaller than the required one (p 0.05) which is 0.002. Lecturer performance variable has a significant effect on student satisfaction PSDKU Tadulako University Campus Morowali Regency with a probability value smaller than the required (p 0.05) which is 0.011 and service quality variable also has a significant effect on student satisfaction PSDKU University Tadulako Campus Morowali Regency with a smaller probability value than required (p 0.05) which is 0.000. What needs to be improved from the results of this study is the performance of lecturers such as delivering material in the classroom to be more systematic so that the quality of service becomes better and the level of satisfaction becomes higher for PSDKU students at Tadulako University, Morowali Regency.


Lecturer Performance, Service Quality, Satisfaction

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