I Putu Dharmawan Pradhana, I Kadek Ryon Cahya Pratama


Millennial workers in the tourism sector in Bali are able to work with reference to good work standards. This is because they have the motivation to be able to collect assets as needed, the desire to earn more, with a good career, carry out social service and charity and achieve karma both in the present world and in the hereafter. This is in accordance with the concept of Catur Purusa Arta which is the basis of the philosophy of Balinese society which reflects the purpose of human life in the world. This desire is a motivation for millennial workers to be able to work optimally for what they want to achieve. This is based on the results of research conducted on workers at Ion Bali Benoa Hotel. This research was conducted based on the phenomenon where many companies are recruiting millennial generation, but they face many challenges. The reason is, the millennial generation has low loyalty and a tendency to change workplaces. This study aims to apply the concept of Catur Purusa Artha as a foundation for improving the work performance of the millennial generation at Ion Bali Benoa Hotel. The method used in this research is a qualitative method and uses the snowball sampling method in determining who will be interviewed. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation in credibility testing as checking data from various sources in various ways and various techniques. The triangulation of techniques used by observation, interviews and documentation methods.


Catur Purusa Artha, Millennial Generation, Intrinsic Motivation, Job Performance.

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