Gunawan Gunawan, Danes Jaya Negara, Achmad Syamsudin, Lelo Sintani, Meitiana Meitiana, Luluk Triharini


The purpose of organizational development research is related to three aspects of the research, namely organizational culture, HR strategy, and employee performance. Research at the Office of the General Secretariat of the Central Kalimantan Province. HR innovation should be the result of a creative learning process and need to be accompanied by a culture and leadership that has strong empathy and involvement. This study shows that the HRM strategy that leads to the development of a culture of achievement is a strategic factor that plays an important role in efforts to interact in an effort to improve employee performance. This type of quantitative research is SEM PLS with 128 respondents. The results of the research Organizational culture has a significant effect on HR strategy, Organizational culture has a significant effect on employee performance, Implementation of HR practices that are partially significant on employee performance. The application of HR practices that have interaction and level of relationship suitability or compatibility with organizational strategy improves employee performance. HR strategy is a partial mediating variable on the influence of organizational culture on employee performance at the General Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of Central Kalimantan Province. For further research, longitudinal studies are needed that combine historical secondary data and studies based on primary data that are also multi-time/period to capture the dynamics of changes in the organization's internal environment, including changes in HR management


Organizational Culture, HR Strategy, Employee Performance

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