I Putu Gede, Lalu Yulendra


Increasing Indonesia's competitiveness places the tourism sector as a top priority, leading the sector and as the core of Indonesia's economy to reach the target of 15 million tourist visits. As Lombok's national priority destination has begun to improve with the response from development entrepreneurs and providers of accommodation facilities such as hotels and development restoration carried out in the city of Mataram, based on data from AHM (Association of Mataram  Hotels) the number of hotels in Mataram City from star hotels and hotels non stars penetrate the number of 119 hotels, the number of which is so pantastis seen from the development period of 2012 after the launch of the Visit Lombok Sumbawa (VLS) program that started with Tambora Greeting the World and Lombok easily.

Development of facilities and infrastructure for professional and competent human resource needs in the field of tourism, hospitality and travel agents. Trained human resources are not mapped with appropriate human resources that require special expertise, to fulfill or achieve competencies 3 C namely Caracter, Campetence, and Collaboration. The purpose of this study is 1). To find out the importance of competent workforce in the field of hospitality in the city of Mataram, 2). To describe the distribution of hospitality workers in the city of Mataram, 3) To understand discussing hospitality workers taken from negotiations with sources of human theory, Managing human resources and Human Resources in the field of Tourism / Hospitality the research methods used are quantitative and qualitative research methods . Data collected: surveys, observations, interviews, and documentation studies. Data collection tools consist of questionnaires, interview guidelines, and documents. The technical analysis used is descriptive statistics. The results showed 49.89% of the distribution of tourism human resources and 52.2% of non-employment dislike from diploma programs with the distribution of Housekeeping, food products, F & B services and front office, marketing by showing 1: 5 namely 1 people pass diplomas 5 people graduate from vocational / high school etc., with a total workforce of 1,024 very high between workers who need a diploma with high school / vocational high school who are tactically supported, have succeeded in providing certification, but it is very difficult for the industry to need the problem of etitude, friendliness and honesty.


Human resources, tourism workers, professionals

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